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- How to Find the Best Plumbers in Chicago: 10 Tips for Hiring the Best
- Can’t find what you’re looking for?
- What Is a Water Shut-off Valve
- Locate the Main Shutoff Valve
- How To Deal with Outdoor Faucets With No Shut-off Valve in Winter?
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Turn the handle of the valve until you hear it click, and then turn it further to close the valve. When it comes to protecting your home from a water disaster, an ounce of prevention can head off thousands of gallons of damage. Use these four quick tricks to stay on top off potential trouble.
To turn off the water main supply to your home, you can turn off the stop valve. This is normally located in your kitchen under the sink, downstairs, or in a utility room. We recommend testing your main shut-off valve when you locate it, but do not use excessive force if it doesn’t want to budge.
How to Find the Best Plumbers in Chicago: 10 Tips for Hiring the Best
Sometimes there may be a vent nearby that you can remove to reach the valve. Another way is to just crawl under the mobile home to find the valve. If the water supply is coming from underneath the floor, straight stop valves are used.
It may be buried in the ground a little bit, so you may need to do some digging to find it. Once you locate the valve, turn it clockwise to close it and shut off the water to your outdoor faucet. The shut-off valve is not always located at the back of your outdoor faucet, so make sure that you check all-around before you start turning things.
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There might be a hose or piping connected to the faucet. Our automatic water shutoff valve integrates seamlessly with your security system. It is very important you winterize your outdoor faucet to prevent damages during winter. The process of winterizing your faucet is very simple. Since your outdoor faucet does not have a shut-off valve, the first thing you should do is disconnect the hoses and drain them.
Serving international oil and gas companies for almost half a century, we have developed into a professional partner in times of global change. Visit our MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOMESpage for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles. Whether you’re single, a parent, or a pet parent, we have a security package that fits your life. Save moneySome insurance companies will provide additional discounts when you add this device and its corresponding flood sensors to your home or business. If you think your faucet requires repairing, do not hesitate to call in a professional. So, once you install it, it will be hard to remove it.
What Is a Water Shut-off Valve
This is a very crucial step for outdoor faucets with no shut off valve. Turn this valve clockwise until it’s completely closed. Once everything is turned off, you can go outside and finish any repairs that need to be done on your outdoor faucet. Of course, even if your local building code doesn’t require a shut-off valve for an outdoor faucet, you might still want to install one. A shut-off valve can be very convenient if you ever need to turn off the water to the outdoor faucet without having to turn off the water to the entire house. And, in some cases, it might even be required by your homeowner’s insurance policy.
Just past the meter should be the main water shut-off valve, a red or green handle or knob. If you don’t find the main water shut-off valve inside the house, check outside near an external faucet. This location is most common in warmer climates where frozen pipes aren’t a concern.
Locate the Main Shutoff Valve
Remove all hoses and splitters from your outdoor faucet before winter sets in. Frost-free sillcocks with 6- to 12-inch-long stems prevent freezing of the faucets during winter. Open the faucet and check if there is any water remaining. Shutoff valves can be installed inside the house or outside the property line. Different home constructions have different locations for the shut-off valve.
They usually come in chrome or brass and some have handles, while others are push-on fittings that require no tools to install them. Make sure everyone in the family knows where all shut off valves are located and how to use them. Alternatively, the water meter may provide the easiest location to turn off the water. Sometimes there are two valves in the water meter—one positioned before the meter and another after the meter. Your water meter is usually located at the front of your property near the fence line, and often close to a garden tap.
Many homes have this problem, and it can be a real pain. There are a few things you can do to solve the problem, but it may take some trial and error to find the right solution for your home. On a sunny day, look for a small pipe sticking out of the ground near your home’s main shut-off valve. Tag your home’s outside shut off valve to avoid confusion with the city’s valve. We have an extensive track record in international valve business.
As the founder of ServiceMaster by Zaba in Chicago, Illinois, Diana is IICRC certified in both fire and water damage restoration. Her years of experience include working in the field alongside her team helping home and business owners deal with the aftermath of water, fire and mold damage. Diana enjoys sharing her knowledge and making a positive difference in the community. We really enjoy sharing information that helps you handle the unexpected. If you’ve recently dealt with water damage at the house, tell us about it through our Comments Section.
So, installing frost-free sillcocks with a downward pitch will prevent any damage to the faucet during winter. In case you have a slab on grade construction, the shut-off valve would be under the kitchen sink. For basements, the shut-off valve is usually placed near the front foundation’s wall. The valve is supposed to be within five feet of the main water line. This helps to prevent any water overflow or flooding during repairs or if a plumbing issue occurs.
You’re always invited to join our online community and be a part of the conversation. • Toilets – Look under the tank for the toilet shut off valve’s oval handle attached to a ribbed water line. It’s one of those things that homeowners don’t think about until they’re facing it for the first time. We’re always here to back you up with emergency water removal services, but we want you to be prepared to take immediate action.
The main shutoff valve often comes in from under the house, where it is protected. The location of the main shutoff can vary, so the process for turning it off is mostly a matter of locating it. Close the valve to stop the flow of water into the house.
These valves come in different variations as they are used in lines that require shutting off without obstructing flow to other areas. This valve contains a circle handle on the body, which is rotated to raise or lower the gate inside the body. Based on your plumbing situation, there are a few shut-off valves you can check. If your outside faucet comes with no shut-off valve, then it is important you install an indoor shut-off valve that controls supply to the faucet outside. If your basement has a crawl space, the shut-off valve may be inside that crawl space.
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